Living Environment worksheet
    Topic: Cellular Respiration And Apt
    Cellular Respiration And Apt
    Base your answers to questions 1 on the diagram below and your knowledge of biology. The diagram represents an ameba, a single-celled organism, carrying out an essential life process.

    ecology, energy flow and food web fig: lenv12013-exam_g11.png


    This process is essential to the survival of the ameba because it

    (1) provides materials used in cellular respiration

    (2) removes pathogens from the environment

    (3) supplies the raw materials for photosynthesis

    (4) protects the organism during development


    In the cells of the human body, oxygen molecules are used directly in a process that

    (1) releases energy

    (2) digests fats

    (3) synthesizes carbohydrate molecules

    (4) alters the genetic traits of the cell


    The energy released when sugar molecules are broken down is stored in

    (1) minerals

    (2) ATP

    (3) DNA

    (4) wastes


    In the human body, carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen that can be transported to cells. Breathing in too much carbon monoxide will most likely result in the production of

    (1) less ATP

    (2) less glucose

    (3) more DNA

    (4) more protein


    The diagram below shows part of the human body with some organs that help to carry out the removal of wastes.

    organization and patterns in Life, cell energetics, cellular respiration and APT, organization and patterns in Life, cell energetics, cellular respiration and APT fig: lenv12016-examw_g3.png

    The energy necessary to perform this function comes directly from the

    (1) exchange of H2O and O2 during respiration

    (2) blood flowing through the organs

    (3) ATP molecules produced during cellular respiration

    (4) water that is eliminated by the organs

    Base your answers to questions 6 on the information and diagram below and on your knowledge of biology. The diagram represents a plant leaf cell and two different molecules used in the process of glucose synthesis.

    organization and patterns in Life, cell energetics, cellular respiration and APT fig: lenv12017-exam_g9.png


    Molecules 1 and 2 are most likely

    (1) carbon dioxide and oxygen

    (2) carbon dioxide and water

    (3) nitrogen and oxygen

    (4) nitrogen and water


    During cellular respiration, what is the direct source of the energy used in the cells of consumers in the ecosystem represented below?

    organization and patterns in Life, cell energetics, cellular respiration and APT fig: lenv12018-examw_g6.png

    (1) the Sun

    (2) enzymes

    (3) the atoms making up inorganic molecules

    (4) the chemical bonds in organic molecules


    Which dissolved substance do aquatic animals remove from their external environment for use in cellular respiration?

    (1) carbon dioxide

    (2) ATP molecules

    (3) oxygen molecules

    (4) nitrogen gas


    It may be harmful when people compete to see who can hold their breath the longest under water. Without oxygen, brain cells

    (1) cannot make enough ATP

    (2) have too few mitochondria

    (3) make too many enzymes

    (4) have too much water


    The diagram below represents a series of events that occur in living cells.

    organization and patterns in Life, cell energetics, cellular respiration and APT fig: lenv62012-exam_w_g13.png

    Which molecule is indicated by X?

    (1) glucose

    (2) ATP

    (3) carbon dioxide

    (4) protein


    During the process of cellular respiration, energy is released from

    (1) carbon dioxide

    (2) oxygen atoms

    (3) water molecules

    (4) chemical bonds

    Base your answers to questions 12 on the information and diagram below and on your knowledge of biology.

    Blood Doping

    Blood is a fluid tissue, which means that blood cells are suspended in a fluid called plasma. Blood tests are concerned with not only the number of blood cells present, but with the amount of plasma that surrounds the cells.

    The diagram below represents tubes containing blood samples from an athlete before and after blood doping. Blood doping is an illegal practice reportedly used by some athletes a few weeks before an athletic event, and involves removing whole blood from an athlete, separating the oxygen-carrying red blood cells (RBCs), and then freezing them. These RBCs are thawed and returned to the athlete’s body just before the athlete competes. Serious health risks are associated with this practice.

    organization and patterns in Life, cell energetics, cellular respiration and APT fig: lenv12015-exam_g25.png


    Explain why athletes who practice blood doping would be expected to perform better at an athletic event. [1]

    Allow 1 credit. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:

    • — The practice increases the number of RBCs that would carry more oxygen to muscle cells.

    • — Since muscle cells receive more oxygen for respiration, they would have more energy for

    • the athletic event.

    • — They would have more energy because they have extra oxygen.

    Base your answer to question 13 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.

    A student measured oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration levels in an aquatic ecosystem during a 24 hour period. The data are represented in the graph below.

    organization and patterns in Life, cell energetics, origin of energy and photosynthesis, organization and patterns in Life, cell energetics, cellular respiration and APT fig: lenv12017-exam_g17.png


    Identify two biological processes that are responsible for the production of varying amounts of carbon dioxide and oxygen within the aquatic ecosystem. [1]

    Processes: ____________________________________ and ____________________________________

    Allow 1 credit. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:

    • — respiration and photosynthesis

    • — photosynthesis and aerobic respiration

    • — photolysis and respiration

    Base your answers to questions 14 on the information and graph below and on your knowledge of biology. The graph shows the change in the blood glucose level of one person after eating a cookie.

    organization and patterns in Life, cell energetics, cellular respiration and APT fig: lenv12020-examw_g24.png


    Explain why most human cells require a supply of glucose. [1]

    Allow 1 credit. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:

    • — Cells require a supply of glucose to produce ATP.

    • — Cells need glucose to carry out cellular respiration.

    • — Cells need glucose to release energy/for energy/as a source of energy.

    • — Glucose is needed to provide energy for cells.

    Base your answers to questions 15 on the word equations below and on your knowledge of biology. The equations represent two biochemical processes that occur in living organisms. The letter X represents a molecule produced from process 1.

    Process 1: oxygen + glucose → carbon dioxide + water + X

    Process 2: carbon dioxide + water → oxygen + glucose


    Identify the molecule represented by letter X in process 1. [1]

    Allow 1 credit for ATP or adenosine triphosphate.